Shoveling Sucks! 6 Snow Removing Hacks to Try This Season
Shoveling snow sucks. That's putting it mildly. But alas, we all chose to live on Planet Hoth, so here are some alternatives to shoveling. (Also, you're welcome for the Star Wars reference.)
Yes, you can actually train your dog to shovel snow. Results may vary. If you have a little pocket-sized pooch, you might be out of luck.
Flamethrowers are completely safe and easy to use. They pose no danger to the surrounding environment, and they can be purchased cheaply at most major retailers. (Unless the information I've received is incorrect.)
Maybe you're fortunate enough to be at that age where you can blame your own laziness on "having a bad back." Thankfully, there's children. I think the sole purpose of having children is to make them do things you don't want to do. Don't have any? You can obtain some without setting off an Amber Alert. It's called a job. Just be aware that it's 2022 and their rates have increased drastically. (Damn unions.)
If you've got good core strength and feel comfortable on one of those fancy new hoverboards, you can let that device do most of the work. Just hold the shovel and lean forward. (I'm uncoordinated and sometimes biff it stepping 6 inches onto a curb, so for me, this one is out.)
If you don't have a snowblower or a truck with a plow, just do what this Sylvan Beach man did: affix some random plywood to your vehicle and go to town. This guy deserves some major points for creativity.
Take it from me: Apartment living is great. My landlord's gotta do all that snow removal crap. Just make sure it's in your lease.
With winter just getting started in Central New York, we'll all be looking for some shoveling shortcuts this season. If you've got one of your own, we'd love to hear about it!
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