What kind of human being leaves a dog that just had puppies on the side of a Central New York road in the freezing cold? There needs to be a special place in Hell for people like that.
Goodbye is one of the hardest words to say, especially when it's for the last time. Knowing they're in a better place doesn't make it any easier. I had to tearfully say goodbye to my best friend Molly after 14 years and my heart is breaking.
There's Karen's and then there's this woman. A passenger flying into New York took Karen to a whole new level after she was asked to leave the flight for having her dog on her lap.
Some heartless jerk abandoned a defenseless dog, leaving it for dead on the side of the road, and from the looks of it, the poor pooch has already suffered enough.
Think you have the cutest dog? I think all pet owners do. You can enter your adorable dog into the running to have their mug on Brown's Brewing Company's IPA and you will be helping out a great cause.