Which City in New York Has the Shortest Average Commute Time?
Commute time is a huge factor in whether or not a person enjoys their job. A long commute can compound work dissatisfaction, as it feels like an extension of the workday, even though you're not getting paid for it.
And really, when you think about it, your commute is sort of a "workday limbo," because you're not technically on the clock yet, but the time isn't totally yours either.
In the past we've taken a look at New York state counties with the most horrendous commute times. But what about those areas with the shortest commute times? A short commute is sort of the dream, isn't it?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average commute in the United States is 26.9 minutes. But some areas have it better than others. The website 27 Wall St analyzed data pulled from the census to see which metro areas boasted the shortest commute times amongst its residents.
So which city in New York has the luckiest commuters?
That distinction goes to our friends up north, in Watertown-Fort Drum:
> Avg. commute time (minutes): 18.8 (New York average: 33.5)
> Share of commuters driving alone: 77.7% (New York average: 52.3%)
> Share of commuters carpooling: 8.3% (New York average: 6.4%)
> Share of commuters using public transit: 0.6% (New York average: 26.2%)
> No. of metros considered in ranking: 13
As you can see, Watertown residents have a shorter commute than the national average by almost 10 full minutes. Which means it takes longer to get through an Audiobook. They also have less time to scream.
But as far as I'm concerned, a commute of ANY length is the pits. Forget flying cars-- where we at with teleporters?