Millions of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows--hope you're not one of them!

In fact, the Dairy Good website said they are asked this question a lot: "Does chocolate milk come from brown cows?"

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They answer it to the point, and politely.

"Actually, chocolate milk – or any flavored milk for that matter – is white cow’s milk with added flavoring and sweeteners".

The message is apparently not getting through to people. In a survey commissioned by Dairy Good they found 7% of Americans "still think that chocolate milk comes directly out of a brown cow."

The stats are laid out on the website Where they write,

Forty-eight percent of respondents admitted they weren't sure where chocolate milk comes from. If this is true across the nation generally, that would be an astounding 154,272,000 potential voters who aren't confident enough to guess "cows?"

HOLY You know what!

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