My Co-Workers Have Office Plants, Would a Pot Plant Be Legal?
It started innocently enough. I was chatting with a co-worker and noticed her office was practically a greenhouse. Plants in abundance. Her office looked like the lobby of a health spa. Like she was about to check me in for a 60 minute hot rock massage or something. Meanwhile, my office looks like a bomb went off inside of it.
The first thought I had after surveying my co-workers' plants was "Hmmm, maybe I should get a plant." But then I remembered, "Hey, marijuana's legal in New York now. Does that mean I can keep a marijuana plant at work? In plain site? What's the legality of that?"
Let me add that I'm not the biggest cannabis connoisseur, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't imbibe from time to time. I was mostly just curious to see if something like this was feasible.
Well, it didn't take terribly long to find my answer. A quick Google search brings you to the New York Labor Law 201-D, as it relates to cannabis. Here's what it says:
"Can employers prohibit cannabis possession at work?"
Yes, employers may prohibit employees from bringing cannabis onto the employer’s property, including leased and rented space, company vehicles, and areas used by employees within such property (e.g., lockers, desks, etc.)
But do you see how it's worded? It says they "may" prohibit. Which means, if you've got a super chill boss, and all of your co-workers are super chill, then you probably could keep a marijuana plant at work. I don't think I've ever worked in an office quite like that, but hey. They might be out there.
So it looks like I won't be keeping a pot plant at my desk any time soon. Guess I'll settle for a Venus fly trap.
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