Cow Cuddling May Be The Next Big Thing
You've heard about animal therapy, aromatherapy, but the next big thing may be cow cuddling. A Fingers Lake Horse Farm has been getting national attention for their unique relaxation and wellness techniques.
Mountain Horse Farm in Naples (at the southern tip of Canandaigua Lake) has been featured on Good Morning America and in the New York Times. All the recent attention comes after they added cow cuddling as part of their wellness plan. The farm features a relaxing retreat with several forms of wellness for couples including exquisite rooms and tepee-like glamping and spas.
Despite all the amenities, cow cuddling is all the talk. Owners, Suzanne & Rudi Vullers are originally from the Netherlands. The couple has been offering horse therapy for awhile at the facilities. A recent trip home to the Netherlands started the idea of cow cuddling.
It's not cheap, according to Good Morning America's feature, cuddling runs about $75 an hour. I'm thinking some Central New York farmers may be able to hook you up for a little less.