Assemblywoman Buttenschon Votes Against Bail Reform “Fix” – Budget Passes
Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon says she voted against the Bail Reform "fix" contained in the state budget, despite local officials saying it's not enough, but an improvement. The vote came early Saturday morning.
“The 2019 bail reform must be changed. Unfortunately, the revisions contained in this current budget do not go far enough,” Buttenschon said. “Our judges need more discretion. They must be allowed to consider dangerousness and community safety as standards for bail. The changes in this budget did not achieve those objectives. For that reason, I opposed this inadequate attempt at bail reform.”
Speaking on WIBX on Friday, Buttenschon said she had brought together all local stakeholders interested in strengthening community safety.
“I have reached out and convened meetings with judges, law enforcement, non-profit support groups, community leaders and other advocates. We have all tried to consider the needs of at-risk youth and others in need of vital services. Without exception, we are striving to provide a safe community,” she said.
Buttenschon has long complained that budget proposals should not contain policy measures.
Sheriff Rob Maciol told WIBX on Friday that the reform of the original budget reform did not go far enough, but he felt it was a step in the right direction.
On Saturday, the New York State Legislature passed passed the $220 (b) billion budget that included revisions to the much criticized bail reform laws that came out of the previous budget. The new budget also approved the $600 (m) million set aside for a new Buffalo Bills stadium, despite opposition from many outside Western New York.
Buttenschon also expressed concern over the amount of money being spent on a new Bills stadium considering the amount of profits that are generated out of the National Football League.
The passing of the budget on Saturday was more than a week late. The budget should have passed on April 1st, according to New York State law.
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