This bug has certainly made its presence known to New York. Enough of an impact to cause New York to issue a statewide alert over the pesky flying critter.

Beyond that, the state at this point is asking for some help. They could use you for help to rid the Empire State of this invasive creature from Asia. That is what the New York State Department of Agriculture is asking. How does a normal ordinary citizen help with this? They say kill the bug.

The peak season for the Lanternfly is July to December each year and we are right in the middle of that season. As of only a few days ago, it seemed as if the bug was contained to the Hudson Valley region of the state. WTEN in Albany is now reporting that there have been sightings of it in the Ithaca area. So it seems as if it is getting close to home in our area of Central New York.

“The Department has been working diligently to mitigate the impacts of this destructive pest, which can weaken plants and have a devastating impact on agriculture.” - State Agricultural Commissioner Richard A. Ball/WTEN

Here is what to look out for on trees to know an infestation is happening according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

  • Plants that ooze or weep and have a fermented odor
  • The buildup of sticky fluid (honeydew) on plants and on the ground underneath infested plants
  • Sooty mold on infested plants

The bug has spotted wings, is an inch long and half an inch wide. The forewings are gray with black spots and the hind wings are red and black. It also has a yellow abdomen with black stripes.

LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state

Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.

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Why do cats have whiskers? Why do they meow? Why do they nap so much? And answers to 47 other kitty questions:

Why do they meow? Why do they nap so much? Why do they have whiskers? Cats, and their undeniably adorable babies known as kittens, are mysterious creatures. Their larger relatives, after all, are some of the most mystical and lethal animals on the planet. Many questions related to domestic felines, however, have perfectly logical answers. Here’s a look at some of the most common questions related to kittens and cats, and the answers cat lovers are looking for.

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