This Was the Worst Year for Murder in New York State
Some people claim 2020 was the "worst year ever." There was even a Netflix movie made about it. While we can't say definitively that this is true -- none of us were alive in the 1300s during the Black Plague, for example -- it's certainly true that you don't meet too many 2020 "enthusiasts."
Now, if you happened to be a virus that went by the name COVID-19, then yeah, 2020 was a great year. You killed 337,000 Americans, and over 1.5 million people worldwide. But despite what your ex might think, you're probably not a virus. You're a person.
But people weren't much better to people in 2020. It was also the worst case for murder in New York state.
According to the website 24/7 Wall St, there were 21,570 murders reported in the United States in 2020. Which is... quite a few. Here's what they said about their study:
Using FBI homicide rate data from 2011 through 2020, 24/7 Wall St. identified the deadliest year in each state in the last decade. Over that period, 2020 stands out as the year with the highest homicide rate in 37 states... Nationwide, the number of reported murders increased by 47% from 2011 to 2020.
New York was no exception to this. Here's how the data breaks down:
• Deadliest year: 2020; 4.2 murders per 100,000 people (808 total)
• Second deadliest year: 2011; 3.9 murders per 100,000 people (769 total)
• Least deadly year: 2017; 2.8 murders per 100,000 people (550 total)
Experts agree that not murdering someone is the best way to prevent murder. So if we all agree to do our part, we might be able to get these numbers down in New York moving forward.
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