
Opinion: Are Syracuse Cops Abusing 8-Year-old in Shocking Viral Video?
Opinion: Are Syracuse Cops Abusing 8-Year-old in Shocking Viral Video?
Opinion: Are Syracuse Cops Abusing 8-Year-old in Shocking Viral Video?
Police in Syracuse are taking heat, both across Central New York and around the country, after an apprehension video of an 8-year-old boy accused of stealing a bag of potato chips has gone viral. I say, if you watch the video with an open mind, you must agree police were correct in the way they handled the child and may ultimately have saved his life.
This Elegance Coach Is Going To Teach You 5 Ways To Be ‘Irresistible To Men’
This Elegance Coach Is Going To Teach You 5 Ways To Be ‘Irresistible To Men’
This Elegance Coach Is Going To Teach You 5 Ways To Be ‘Irresistible To Men’
<span class="mol-style-bold">London</span><span class="mol-style-bold">-based Anna Bey vlogs about teaching ladies how to be classy, and says that women need to play hard to get and use their femininity in order to attract the perfect match. </span> <ifr...

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