Seriously? There’s NO WAY This is New York’s Most Popular Halloween Movie
New "research" has revealed the most popular Halloween movies by state, and we have to admit, it's left us scratching our heads over New York's selection.
The website Wishlisted first published the findings, getting their data from both Rotten Tomatoes and Google Trends. And you'll have to excuse me, but I'm skeptical of their findings. I have no proof, mind you, that these results have been fudged with, but one thing that immediately jumps out at me is the lack of repeat titles.
There are a few Halloween movies that've achieved "all-time classic" status, like The Shining, for example. The Shining will usually appear on anyone's list of "Top 10 Scariest Movies Ever." And yet, The Shining is only listed as as a favorite for one state: Colorado. And given the film was set in Colorado, doesn't that seem a little... forced?
So, anyway... now that my skepticism has been voiced... what does Wishlisted say is New York's Most Popular Halloween Movie?
Yeah, I don't buy it either. The Phantom of the Opera isn't even a Halloween movie! I've never overheard anyone say, "Let's watch a scary movie tonight! No, not a certifiably terrifying classic like The Exorcist. I was thinking more along the lines of a 100-year-old silent film."
The good news, I guess, is that classic The Phantom of the Opera is in the public domain, and the entire thing is viewable on YouTube for free. So if you've got 90 minutes to kill and feel like watching a silent movie, here you go:
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