How Long is Too Long to Keep Your Halloween Decorations Up?
It's always great when the people on your block get into the Halloween spirit... but at what point does the duration of their "Halloween spirit" become... well... frightening?
When December rolls around, do you find yourself living on a street that looks like this? (I wish I did):
Don't get me wrong, I'm pro Halloween all the way. And from a personal standpoint, there's no such thing as too long to keep your decorations up. I'd keep my Halloween decorations up all year long if it were socially acceptable.
But when the Jack-O-Lanterns out front start to literally melt into an orange goo... maaaaayyybe it's time to start thinking about making the switch over to Christmas.
While there's no official date to start packing away your Halloween stuff, I have noticed that people are a little quicker to break down their household Halloween setups than they are for their Christmas setups. Christmas holds on a lot longer. Hell, I've even known some people to keep their damn trees up 'til Valentine's Day. And some people love to keep Christmas lights on their house all year.
But it seems like people are over Halloween a lot quicker. Many people I've asked said they start taking their decorations down on November 1st.
Speaking of Halloween decorations, check out this house in Aurora, New York, over in Cayuga County:
This House In East Aurora Has The Best Halloween Decorations
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