It’s Time to Play the Feud! CNY Family to Appear on National Game Show
A family from Oswego is set to appear on one of the longest-running game shows in American television.
The O'Gorman clan will appear on an episode scheduled to air on Wednesday, November 16th. The O'Gormans consist of Sean O'Gorman, a retired firefighter, his wife Jill, and their children Kyra, Hannah and Huck.
In case you're an alien from outer space who hasn't heard of Family Feud, it's the show where two families compete against each other to come up with the most popular answers to survey questions. Things like "Describe what you would do if the person next to you on a plane had B.O." or "Name something a serial killer keeps from his victims." (That last one was mine. Sorry, I'm fresh off of Dahmer.)
Kyra O'Gorman spoke to a Syracuse news outlet about the experience, saying she applied to be on the show last year. They were contacted by producers and asked to audition by supplying a video.
Upon being selected, the family flew to Atlanta to shoot the episode. And yes, they got to meet Steve Harvey and his iconic mustache.
Harvey was said to have made all the contestants feel more comfortable on set with his natural charisma and easygoing demeanor.
The O'Gormans were not allowed to reveal how they did on the show, so you'll have to tune in on Wednesday, November 16th at 7pm to find out.
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