An all-time game show classic, Jeopardy! has been entertaining and educating us on our TVs since 1984. Over the thousands of clues given over the years, Upstate New York and its cities and people have found their way onto the board numerous times.

We previously celebrated Schenectady's appearance on the board in 2020, but that's not even close to The Electric City's first time making the show. Thanks to the online J! Archiveit's easy to track all the episodes featuring Upstate New York's rich history.

The region and Jeopardy! have a long history together, with one Upstate city being featured in the show's second-ever episode in 1984 where all three contestants finished with $0. One city in the Capital Region even made it to Final Jeopardy, but you'll have to get to the end of the game to play that. You may find some of the questions easy, but odds are you'll get stumped on some just like the real life contestants when they aired.

Good luck, and remember to answer in the form of a question.

Friday, October 22, 2004

State Capitals - $1000

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Albany

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The 1850s - $200

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Uncle Tom's Cabin

Monday, January 18, 2021

Historical Markers - $400

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: The Erie Canal

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lakers - $200

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Lake Placid

Friday, October 11, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut - $1000

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: General Electric

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1813 - $800

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Uncle Sam

Thursday, April 22, 1999

Her Story - $1000 - Daily Double

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Daisy James

Tuesday, September 11, 1984 (Episode #2)

Transportation - $500

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Streetcars

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Charity Begins With Beer - $400

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Vassar

Wednesday, March 11, 1998

Final Jeopardy - Transportation History

Cameron Coats
Cameron Coats

Answer: Robert Fulton

This Could Be the Most Magical Place to Live in New York State

New Rochelle, NY


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