Canadian Comfort: 7 CNY Restaurants That Serve Poutine
We might be a few hundred miles from the Canadian border, but that doesn't mean there aren't some great local eateries where you can enjoy one of Canada's favorite regional dishes. Poutine you and me, we're talking about Canada's favorite comfort food.
So what exactly is poutine, anyway? One way to describe it, is that it's kind of like Canadian chili fries. It's a pretty simple recipe: it's a pile of French fries topped with cheese curds and brown gravy. Sometimes the dish is dolled up even further with additional ingredients like barbecued meats. Like most great food inventions, the actual origin of poutine is hotly debated, but most trace the dish back to Quebec.
Poutine became popular in "greasy spoon" diners, pubs and hockey arenas in the 1950s. It originally was a dish that restaurants would throw together to feed their staff, but for a long time, nobody dared to put it on a menu. Upscale versions that added things like foie gras and lobster became more prevalent in the 1990s. Poutine gradually gained acceptance and spread nationally and internationally, and some consider it Canada's national dish.
So where can you get a hot, heaping pile of Canadian deliciousness right here in the Mohawk Valley? We polled social media and took some of your suggestions: Turns out you don't have to drive all the way to our neighbors in the north to get this popular Canadian comfort food. Below are 7 Utica area restaurants that will serve up some poutine tonight:
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