The Better Business Bureau is very well aware of all the ways that we can be scammed as we head out shopping for the holidays. That's why they've released the 12 Scams of Christmas, to keep you up-to-date with ways that someone could be trying to con you.

The world is just full of so many people who try to take advantage of other people, and that doesn't change when we head into the holiday season. If anything, more people fall a victim to scams during this time of year.

It was just last week one of my older neighbors down the street fell for a scam. While that scam is continuing to hit households, there's others that you need to be aware of for the time of year.

The Better Business Bureau's "12 Scams of Christmas"

The Naughty List: BBB's 12 Scams of Christmas was published at the beginning of November to get everyone ready for the upcoming holiday season. Be on the lookout for these scams that you could fall a victim to.

These are just holiday related scams making the rounds, but others are out and about as well. There's been a surplus in reports regarding the "Grandparents Scam" in the area.

State Police say Troopers in the Marcy patrol received multiple reports of what is now being dubbed the "Grandparents Scam." Officials say during these calls, similar to other scams targeting the elderly, the individual calls up the victim and claims to be a grandchild or relative who has been arrested and needs to pay the bail bondsman a sum of $20,000, immediately.

You can read more about the Grandparent's Scam here. Make sure the elderly individual in your life understands something like this is a scam. Talk it through with them. Especially with the holiday season approaching, the scammers will be out in full force.

11 Ways to Avoid Getting Ripped Off When Holiday Shopping Online

The world-wide shipping delays have shoppers buying holiday gifts early this year and much of the commerce is happening online. After all, how can you avoid the amazing deals? Now more than ever, these amazing deals are shady transactions that look authentic and safe.

One way to shop safely online is to buy from local vendor websites, or visit sites like Etsy which touts small meaningful gifts, often times created by small businesses and crafters.

The Better Business Bureau recommends online buyers do research before they click the checkout button.

Here are 11 things you can do to avoid getting ripped off online, according to the Better Business Bureau.

Utica's Chicken Riggies Dish Wasn't Invented in Utica? Say It Isn't So.

The now-famous Utica Chicken Riggies recipe has taken on a life of its own. The dish is now found well outside the Utica-Rome area and it's getting more and more popular as word spreads around the northeast. While there are many variations of the dish today, there's still only one original recipe. So, who created the first "Riggies" recipe and where did it really originate.

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