One New York Lawmaker wants to ban your child from playing tackle football because of concussion risks.

The "John Mackey Youth Football Protection Act," Bronx Assemblyman Michael Benedetto originally introduced the bill in 2013 would place a ban on 12 and under playing tackle football.

I get it, there is a risk of injury and concussion playing football. In my opinion there's a risk in almost every sport and game kids play. Football is only one of the youth sports that kids get hurt playing. My son played tackle football and never got hurt once...he played soccer and broke his leg. There are risks in every sport.

According to a study by Medstar Sports Medicine it's not just football that injures kids. Soccer, field hockey, softball, baseball and basketball. Ironically, it's girl's soccer that has the send highest rate of concussions.

So do we go down this slippery slope? If you ban youth tackle football, is soccer next? Then what?

I coached youth football for a couple years and the most important thing is to teach the kids proper "heads up" tackling techniques and coach them to play the game safely.

What do you think? Is this government overstep[ping their bounds or should we do this to protect our kids?

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