Man Lives In Swamp In the Adirondacks for 3 Days Before Being Rescued!
Do you like to spend time alone? Get in the car and go for a long drive, see a movie alone? I suppose it can be mind clearing and a good way to focus your thoughts without distraction. There are certain activities however that you might not want to do solo.
This is the story of a man from another country who, just this week, went for a New York State hike and ended up living in a swamp for days until rescued.
Earlier this month, a man from Singapore went for a hike near North Hudson in Essex County to explore Dix Range. According to All Trails, this 15 mile loop-trail is considered a challenging hike and could take 9 hours or so to complete.
New York State DEC officials report that, on Wednesday June 22nd, they received a call from a woman stating that she had lost communication with her husband and indicated that when they last spoke he was headed to Dix Ridge. Now 3 days have passed.
At 9am on the 22nd, New York State Rangers set out to search for the 58-year-old man. The first thing Rangers found was his rental car in the Elk's Lake parking lot. They also noted that the hiker had signed in at the trail register but had not signed out.
11 Rangers and New York State Police Aviation assisted in the search. At approximately 3pm the subject was located in a swamp. His appearance was described as tattered and bug bitten. Apparently the man had been living in the swamp for 3 days and came out with ripped pants, bug bites covering his face and his boots falling apart. But he was alive.
The man from Singapore was evaluated and released nearly 72 hours after disappearing.