Longest Toboggan Chute in New York Open For Sliding Fun
Ever wonder what it feels like to fly down an Olympic Ski Jump? You can toboggan down one this winter, the longest in New York, that's finally open for sliding fun this season.
An old Olympic ski jump chute in Lake Placid was transformed in the 1960s for toboggans. In 2016, a new toboggan chute was built that sends you up to 1,000-feet out onto Mirror Lake.
Since toboggans slide onto the frozen lake, the official opening day varies from year to year. "We have been open as early as December 26 and one year it wasn't until February before we were in operation," a town of North Elba official shared. "Generally we get operating around the first full weekend in January. We like to have 12 inches of good solid ice to insure the safety of our guests."
This season the toboggan chute opened on January 31st.
Children and Students: $10
Adults: $15
The use of toboggan is included in all prices.
Cash only
Admission prices allow you to slide as much as you can during the scheduled time. Toboggans are rented and can hold 2-4 people.
COVID-19 procedures are in place with all guests required to wear a mask and social distance on the chute and while in line.
The Lake Placid Toboggan Chute is located on Parkside Drive, next to the Post Office.
Hours vary depending on weather conditions. Contact the Lake Placid Visitors Center for more information at (518) 523-2445. Learn more at Northelba.org.

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