Letter From a Little Boy Lifts the Spirits of Boonville Police Department
There's been so much tumult in the United States lately, with policing under fire from all sides, a simple note from a little boy in Boonville made a whole police department's week.

The death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer have sparked widespread protests, calls for stricter regulations of police and the use of force, and demands for justice. Police departments and officers across the country have felt the weight of the moment - and each are reckoning with it in their own way.
In Boonville, a simple gesture from a little boy made all the difference for one police department. A boy named Alexander, who didn't sign his last name, left a note for police in his town.
Dear Police Officer,
Thank you for saving our city. Thank you for all your hard work and for keeping us safe.
From, Alexander
The officers were clearly touched by the note, which they posted on Facebook.
Being a Cop lately is becoming more stressful by the minute. But just when we can’t stand it anymore we get a letter like this! Thank you Alexander, you made our week!!
This small kindness made a big difference to this police department. Maybe we can all learn a lesson from Alexander: try a little bit of kindness, you never know what kind of difference it will make.
Thank you Alexander - you gave us a good reminder.
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