Hastings Man’s Nest Security Camera Captures Footage of Fireball Over Central New York
Outdoor security cameras have aided in capturing some pretty interesting footage over the years, including everything from visuals on break-in suspects to the occasional giant moose walking by. Earlier this week, a Central New York man captured the ultimate footage on his cameras when a fireball flew over the region.
Brian Corbett-Youngs posted this video on his Facebook Monday morning, noting that he pulled the footage from his Google Nest cameras' Sunday night feed.
At first, it seems like nothing is happening outside the Corbett-Youngs residence. But about six seconds into the video, a bright light appears in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, streaking across the sky before disappearing, likely behind the view of a home or tree.
Corbett Youngs is far from the only person to report seeing the fireball Sunday night. The American Meteor Society has tracked more than 280 sighting reports across the East Coast, mostly in New York and Connecticut, but also in Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Québec.
According to the AMS, while the act of a meteor entering Earth's atmosphere is far from rare, it's much less likely that people will actually see them.
Several thousand meteors of fireball magnitude occur in the Earth’s atmosphere each day. The vast majority of these, however, occur over the oceans and uninhabited regions, and a good many are masked by daylight. Those that occur at night also stand little chance of being detected due to the relatively low numbers of persons out to notice them.
Check out this video of Sunday's fireball captured by Peter Deterline over Douglassville, Pennsylvania.
The AMS website notes that the brighter a fireball is, the rarer it is. Judging by these videos, Sunday's fireball seemed pretty bright.
If you saw the phenomenon in the sky Sunday night, you can report it through the AMS website. Plus, if you happened to capture it on film, we'd love to see your video! Send it our way through our station app.

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