DEC Warns Of Fake Fishing Licenses Website
If you or someone you know enjoys fishing, you may want to warn them.
If you're looking to get your license for Freshwater Fishing pay attention to who you're giving your information to.
The New York State Department of Enviormental Conservation is reporting that there are several fraudulent websites that are making the rounds.
Theses websites are asking those looking to obtain a freshwater fishing license for personal information. The DEC shared a statement on their Facebook page stating that while they work to get rid of the fake websites, that there is only one place to go for your freshwater fishing license.
The Decals website site, which is a part of the DEC, is the only legitimate website to obtain your license.
If you are looking to get your freshwater fishing license you will need to be prepared with the following according to Decals:
You will need a valid Driver's License in order to purchase a license through our online system.
Hunting licenses and privileges and associated carcass tags must be mailed. Please allow 10-14 business days for receipt. Fishing licenses, marine registries and trapping licenses may be printed immediately on plain paper, and an electronic copy will also be emailed. Please be sure to provide a valid email address.
First-time users of this website who have previously held a NY sporting license must enter your date of birth and either your driver's license number OR your customer ID number exactly as it appears on your sporting license to locate and access your customer profile.
Your customer profile contains your current licenses and privileges, Deer Management Permit (DMP) application history, DMP preference points, and your game harvest history.
For more information regarding fishing licenses and purchasing information you can visit decals.licensing.east.kalkomey.com.
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