COVID Vaccine Causing Problems With This Cancer Screening
There's alarming news about the COVID-19 vaccine and women getting tested for breast cancer. There's concern that a side-effect from the vaccine is throwing off results of breast cancer mammograms, and causing a false positive.
Lillie Shockney is a registered nurse and is on the National Breast Cancer Foundation Medical Advisory Council, which is warning women that false positives on breast cancer could occur if the mammogram is administered too close to the vaccine.
The vaccine prompts a defense from the body which enlarges lymph nodes. The enlarged lymph nodes sometimes set the doctor off on a path of positive cancer results and ultimately causes dangerous confusion for the patient.
Enlarged lymph nodes is known as a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. While lymph node swelling is rare, it's important that women let their doctor know that they've been vaccinated prior to any mammogram.
Shockney overwhelmingly supports the vaccine and encourages all patients to get the inoculation. She says they should consult with their physician on when they should get tested for breast cancer after getting the vaccine.