New and Improved North Star Orchards Prepares to Open for the Season
Another sign Spring has finally sprung in Central New York - North Star Orchards in Westmoreland, New York is getting ready to open for the season in an new, expanded building.
The farm market and bakery on Route 233 kicks off the season April 21.
During the winter, crews have been working to expand the farm market, adding additional green houses, more room for shopping inside the store, as well as parking and sidewalk improvements.
North Star Orchards is more than just a family market. It's a way of life for George Joseph and his children, that began in 1986 with a small roadside stand. Today they specialize in fresh, top quality, New York State produce along with everything you need for your yard and garden.
Behind the store is an almost 200 acre Orchard Joseph bought more than 3 decades ago and turned it into fields of fruit, vegetables and evolving beauty, including tulips, lots and lots of tulips.

In May, you can take a walk to remember, through a field of tulips. North Star Orchards opens their property for scenic walks through the blossom filled apple orchard to the cut-your-own tulip field. "To be in an orchard when it’s in full bloom, it’s illuminating," says George Joseph.
In July, you can pick your own blueberries and the Fall season is all about apples at North Star Orchards. Apple picking season normally begins in Mid-September followed by u-pick pumpkins in October.
Learn more at NorthStarOrchards.com.
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