Thousands Come Together to Help Save a 125 Year Central New York Farm From Auction
Thousands of supporters from around the world came together to help save a central New York farm that's been in the family for 125 years.
The Headline farm was set to go up for auction November 4th after the family suffered personal and health issues. Nicole Head turned to social media to ask family, friends and strangers to help save the 250 acres she and her family have called home for generations. "With all of your help, a small town girl with a dream was able to save her family's farm and home," said Nicole. "I am forever thankful for each and every one of you. God bless you and thank you from the bottom of my soul."
Nicole's dad, Timothy Head choked back tears as he thanked everyone who helped saved the family farm. "I am the 5th generation to run this farm. Nicole will be the 6th. I just want to thank everyone for their donations, the love, the support that they've poured into this. Everything you've done to keep this farm into this family and have it go on for generations to come. Thank you so much."
Enough money was raised to take down the auction sign over the weekend. The same day Nicole's grandparents Dewitt and Diane Head celebrated their anniversary. "Today is our 56th wedding anniversary. What a present," said Diane. "I didn't realize there was so much love in the world."
Texas artist, Jeff Martin wrote a song for the Head family to commemorate the special moment "We Saved the Farm," a song Nicole says brought tears to her eyes. "This is one of the most special gifts I've ever received."
I'm just a voice in rural USA
Blessed with love, faith and life and these kind words to say
Thank you for your help
Now we don't have to sell
God said trust in Him right from the start
We did it
Thank you
We saved our farm
I've said it before and I'll say it again.....when central New Yorkers come together for a greater good, anything is possible.