New York State to Hand Out Tickets to the Christmas SpectacularNew York State to Hand Out Tickets to the Christmas SpectacularNew York State has another incentive up its sleeve, to hopefully get New Yorkers to get their COVID-19 vaccination.Nik RiversNik Rivers
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: I Got It, What Symptoms Should I Look For Now?Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: I Got It, What Symptoms Should I Look For Now?If you've received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, it is recommended you keep an eye out for symptoms within three weeks of injection.KaylinKaylin
Is Pumpkin Spice Pudding Shots Taking It Too Far?Is Pumpkin Spice Pudding Shots Taking It Too Far?Has the Pumpkin Spice craze gone too far or are Pumpkin Spice Pudding Shots just what the adults need this time of year? BrandiBrandi