Rome Free Academy Inspected After Student Finds Suspected Bed Bug
One central New York school is being inspected after a student found a suspected bed bug.
The student found the bug at Rome Free Academy, and shared it on social media, where it went viral. "Yes I informed the teacher, they blew it off. Who knows if they'll do anything about it," the student wrote.
School officials did do something about it. "There was an insect found by a student in the small auditorium," said School Superintendent Peter Blake. "The room was thoroughly cleaned and inspected. There was no additional insects present that would create a concern."
A letter was sent home to parents after the picture of the bug "took over social media."
"What the insect was specifically, could not be identified through the picture," said Blake. But it was "suspected to be a bed bug" after inspection, the letter stated.
"An insect can be transferred to a school setting every day through human movement," Blake wrote in the letter to parents, and assured there will be a K9 inspection of the entire building later in the week to "ensure the vast concerns and rumors presented by individuals on social media can be addressed through facts and not speculation."

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