We all have a variety of apps on our phone.  Probably the only time we think about it is if we are running low on space.

A new survey found the top 10 apps we say we can't live without.  And they are . . .

1.  Facebook, 21%.

2.  Instagram, 11%.

3.  Gmail, 8%.

4.  YouTube, 8%.

5.  Snapchat, 6%.

6.  Facebook Messenger, 6%.

7.  Twitter, 6%.

8.  Google Maps, 6%.

9.  Google, 5%.

10.  Amazon, 4%.

Two years ago, 26% of people said Facebook was indispensable . . . now that's down to 21%.

Facebook is the number one app by a big margin, but others like Instagram, YouYube and Snapchat are cutting into it's territory, especially with younger users.

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