We Found the Worst Airbnb in Rome with One SAVAGE Review
Look, most people understand that not every property listed on Airbnb is going to be the Ritz-Carlton. And that's part of the beauty of it, right? You can usually find a place that suits your budget wherever you might be visiting.
That being said, though, we found what might be the worst Airbnb in Rome, according to reviews. As someone who's stayed in quite a few Airbnbs, I can say personally that anything under 4.25 stars is a bit of a red flag. This Airbnb currently has a 3.92 rating based on 25 reviews, with one review being especially harsh.
Are you ready for this? It comes from a man named Jon, and it's particularly scathing:
"Offers traditional crack house feel for low price. If you want to worry that you will get robbed or murdered in the night and possibly catch an STD from the bed, this is the place. Additional features include lights turning off while you shower, visible break in damage on door and being surrounded by boarded up houses... Don’t forget to bring your piece."
Ouch. That's so mean, that it almost elicits empathy for the host. What can be so bad about the place, anyway? It's the 2nd floor apartment of a multi-family home, located along the Mohawk River trail.
The pictures... aren't great. But it's priced extremely affordably at just $35 a night. So one might argue that you get what you pay for.
(To be fair, there are positive reviews too.)
Is the review too harsh? Check out some of the pictures below and judge for yourself:
Is This the Worst Airbnb in Rome?
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