“Squirrel Sized” Rats Invading Homes in Central New York and No One Knows Why“Squirrel Sized” Rats Invading Homes in Central New York and No One Knows WhyLike a scene straight out of a horror movie, oversized rats are beginning to overrun neighborhoods in Rome and no one seems to know where they're coming from. MeganMegan
3 Ways to Keep This Pest Away During Peak Season in NYS & PA3 Ways to Keep This Pest Away During Peak Season in NYS & PASo, what can you do to help keep these pests away from you during their "angry" season?Don MorganDon Morgan
Invasion of the Flying Squirrels in Syracuse!Invasion of the Flying Squirrels in Syracuse!I've seen many a squirrel in my life, and I've seen many a squirrel in the Syracuse area, but never have I ever seen a flying squirrel.Connor FordConnor Ford
Watch Out For Bald-Faced Hornets In New HartfordWatch Out For Bald-Faced Hornets In New HartfordBald-faced hornets are considered to be dangerous, and extremely aggressive. They were recently spotted in New Hartford. Dave "Wheels" WheelerDave "Wheels" Wheeler