SAVAGE! Upstate NY Man Roasts His Estranged Father in Brutal Obituary
One Upstate New York man left nothing back in a recent obituary for his estranged father.
Lawrence Pfaff Sr., 81, died back on June 27th in Florida. According to his son, Lawrence Pfaff Jr., his dad was a disgraced police officer with an alleged history of alcoholism and spousal abuse. The son apparently harbored a boatload of resentment, and let it fly in an obituary that was not very complimentary, to say the least:
Lawrence H Pfaff Sr. was born in Belmont, NY, on April 16, 1941. He passed away on June 27, 2022, living a long life, much longer than he deserved.
"Much longer than he deserved." Good lord! That's harsh. But it gets worse:
It will be challenging to miss Lawrence, Sr. because he was narcissistic. He was incapable of love. Lawrence, Sr.'s passing proves that evil does eventually die.
Pfaff Jr. said he began drafting the obituary while his father was still living, as a way of trying to release some of his deep-seated, pent-up anger.
The nature of this unusual obituary has caused it to go viral on social media, and people seem to be split on how they feel about it. The original newspaper in which the obituary appeared, a Jacksonville-based paper owned by the Gannett Company, apologized for printing it, saying it should have been flagged for inappropriateness. But as of right now, the obituary is still online.
What do you think? Too harsh? Well deserved? Unless you're close to the family in question, I guess it's not for anyone to judge. But you can read the obituary in full at this link.