House Tom Cruise First Called Home in Syracuse, New York Has Been Found
One of the biggest actors in Hollywood once called Syracuse, New York home. But which home?
Tom Cruise was born in Salt City before making his mark in Tinsel Town. He was born on July 3, 1962, one day shy of the 4th of July, in Syracuse. The exact location has been a mystery. Until now.
"There are a few questions I am constantly asked, and one has always escaped me," Syracuse History shared on Facebook. "Where did Syracuse native, Tom Cruise live?
That question has now been answered thanks to the research of Marc Stress who recently had a cousin come to town who is a Tom Cruise fan. "He thought it would be fun to show him his former house."
Marc went to the 1962 Syracuse Suburban Directory available at the Oneida County Public Library to look up Mapother, Tom’s surname. "According to the log, at the time of Tom’s birth, his mother, Mary Lee Mapother, lived on Riverglen Road outside of the city in nearby Liverpool, New York."
Further research pointed to Tom’s father, Thomas Mapother III, being employed as an electrical engineer at General Electric in Louisville, Kentucky around 1960 before being transferred to Central New York around Tom’s birth.
All this leads to the conclusion that the pictured house below is Tom Cruise’s first home. "A knock at the door to inform the current owners went unanswered."
Now the question is, do the current owners know they are living in the same place Maverick once called home?
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