The cool part about being from someplace else originally is the awe and surprise of learning about the area. AND, thusly, the famous people who happen to be from said place. New York is a big state. There must be plenty of note-worthy people (read: people the paparazzi would follow around to make a living in LA) from CNY and more specifically, The Syracuse/Utica area. So. Yes. I did what most idea adventurers do when looking for information about something-- I Googled. Here's what I found.
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is taking his comedy routine on the road and bringing his tour to Upstate New York with stops in Binghamton, Buffalo, and Rochester.
From Jerry Seinfeld to 50 Cent and beyond, New York baseball fans have seen it all when it comes to ceremonial first pitches, including these memorable ones.
Larry King died this past Saturday after being admitted into a hospital because of COVID-19, and everyone on social media has been sharing their favorite moments and memories of the 'broadcasting giant.'
Larry King on Conan:
Here's King talking about his earlier radio days:
And who could forget this incredible moment with Jerry Seinfeld:
Source: Hollywood Reporter, Digg, Barstool Sports, YouTube