New York State Correctional Officer Told To Remove Trump Banner From Vehicle
A New York State Correctional Officer was told to remove his "Keep America Great Trump 2020" banner from his truck while parked in an employee parking lot.
Central Region Vice President of NYSCOPBA Bryan Hluska sent a letter written by NYSCOPBA President Michael Powers he sent to all of his members. The letter describes the incident in which the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision demanded the officer remove the banner from his personal vehicle. Immediately, NYSCOPBA took action as they believed the right to free speech was being threatened.
Powers writes in his letter to members,
NYSCOPBA took great issue with this because we believe the Department violated our brother's right to free speech. To hold the Department accountable, the law firm filed a lawsuit late this week. With Election Day quickly approaching, the lawsuit sought a temporary restraining order and injunction to prevent the Department from continuing to make our brother take down his political banner.
Powers' letter goes on to inform the reader of it that upon notice of the filing the Department backed down, allowing the officer to leave the banner on his personal vehicle while parked at the facility.
Powers included in his writing, "To say this was a swift and decisive victory is an understatement. Our members enjoy First Amendment and free speech protections." Powers went on to urge members to contact their local representatives if they feel their rights are being infringed upon, regardless of their views.
When asked about the situation Central Region VP of NYSCOPBA Bryan Hluska said, " would like to see DOCCS take that swift action on the implementation of a secure vendor program and drug testing instead of trampling on our first amendment rights!" That has been something Hluska has been advocating for during the course of the last few months.
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