Single, Dating, Married in CNY? Do You Know Your LOVE Language?
Since celebrity divorce seems to be in the air,
Those of us who follow pop culture trends know that celebrity relationship unrest can cause us mere mortals to question our realties also. If millionaires with all the resources in the world can't make it work--whew. Right? I overstand that what celebrities eat, doesn't make the rest of us poo, but high-profile divorces can be perceived as one of those "as above, so below" moments. Or not. At the very least- a warning- to get our relationship houses together or...consequences.
Listen. Relationships are hard regardless of who is having them. Anything we can do, (besides binge watch "relationship gurus" on the socials) to help us find alignment with our significant other is a win.
Enter Love Languages:
Love languages aren't new. The idea comes from a book by author and pastor Gary Chapman published in 1992 called The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate
"The five love languages", according to Very Well Mind, "describe five ways that people receive and express love in a relationship. These are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts."
Good Ole Wikipedia describes it like this:
According to Chapman's theory, each person has one primary and one secondary love language. Chapman suggests that to discover another person's love language, one must observe the way they express love to others, and analyze what they complain about most often and what they request from their significant other most often. He theorizes that people tend to naturally give love in the way that they prefer to receive love, and better communication between couples can be accomplished when one can demonstrate caring to the other person in the love language the recipient understands. Knowing your partner's love language and letting them know yours is a way to help you both feel loved and appreciated. Author and pastor Gary Chapman describes how to use these love languages to show your partner you care for them in a way that speaks to their heart.
It's one thing to know yours and your partner's love language. It's something else altogether to use that information for best results. We'll get into that later. In the meantime, you can take Gary Chapman's Love Language quiz here.
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