It isn't summer in the Mohawk Valley without the weekly food truck. One is back on Friday with foam and food.

The Town of Marcy is hosting their Marcy Food Truck and Concert Series once a month on Fridays at the town park on Toby Road in Marcy. The next one is scheduled for Friday June 21st with a classic event returning- Foam and Food Trucks. The event runs between 4PM - 8PM, making it the perfect end of a work week, and end of many school years for kids.

Something added back in 2022 was the fun with foam FoamFest. They are the traveling foam party experts. They have a giant foam cannon that will be on site during the Food Truck and Concert Series for kids to have fun running around through.

Our 2nd Food Truck and concert series of the Season is June 21st from 4-8pm. Live Music under the Pavilion by Whiskey Creek. FREE COLORED FOAM PARTY BY FUN Foamfest, FREE AXE THROWING BY Woodchuckers Axe Throwing, AND THE INFLATABLE OBSTACLE COURSE IS BACK FROM Utica Inflatables.

Here's the trucks that will be on site for this week:

Brown Brother's BBQ
Big Papi's coquito iceys
Brake From The Grind
Squeezers Lemonade
Savage Eats Food Truck
Polish Road House
The Grapevine Mediterranean Restaurant
Oh Crepe & Waffles Food Truck
East Utica Catering Company
Tacocat Food Co.
Scott's Tots 315
Catalina's Spanish Cuisine

You can always get an updated list online anytime on Facebook. Will you be heading down? Let us know inside our station app.

"Meals on Wheels" 21 Of the Top Upstate New York Food Trucks!

Looking for the best New York food trucks to make a destination on your next day trip? We've got you covered. Take a look at some of the best ones that will make your taste buds dance! These food trucks cover all regions of Upstate New York, and they also cover all types of food at their trucks. I mean, truffle fries? Really? Sounds good to me!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

Franco’s Westmoreland Is Now For Sale

Franco’s Westmoreland is now newly listed for sale. Located at 7295 West Main Street, this business is fully equipped and primed for immediate operation. It could make an ideal venture for you to dive into the local restaurant scene or for a seasoned pizzeria owner looking to expand their empire.

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler



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