Can You Help a Heartbroken CNY Bride Find Her Lost Wedding Ring?
No one ever wants to be in this situation. Be this Central New Yorker's hero and help share the search for her missing wedding ring!
Jayden (Jay) Carey is looking for some big help from her community, trying to find something that means EVERYTHING to her. She recently lost her wedding ring set and has looked just about everywhere to no avail.
According to Jay, she believes the ring is somewhere between Utica and the Walmart in New Hartford. She lost it on Friday, April 7th and has spent just about every day trying to find it. From retracing her steps to visiting every local pawn shop, she hasn't even gotten a hint of where the ring could be.
I'm willing to PAY MORE THAN A PAWNSHIP ever will to have my ring back!
With no luck on her own, now she's turning to you.
Have You Seen It?
After reaching out to police with no help, Jay's now looking to her community. Her current post on Facebook now has over 1.2K shares, but still no answers. Whether you're married or not, you can only imagine how you'd feel if you were in Jay's shoes.
I’m so devastated!... I know it’s a long shot but I’m hoping someone returns it to the local police department or return to me!
Help this Central New Yorker by keeping an eye out for her missing ring. Not only will returning Jay's ring be doing the right thing, but it will also make her and her husband's entire year.
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Share this post to help spread the word! The more eyes on the lookout for her ring the better. If you do happen to find the ring, you can contact Jay via her Facebook page.