According to Ilion Mayor Brian Lamica's Facebook page, two tankers with clean potable water have arrived in Ilion for residents who have seen discolored water for months.

It was announced on Thursday(Sep 27) that The State Department of Health recommended Ilion provide bottled water for residents while the Village deals with a problem with water discoloration and strong odors that have left many residents with less-than-drinkable water.

Now Ilion residents can get the free water from the tankers at the Ilion Fire Station by bringing your own containers.

Right now there is a 5-gallon limit per visit and you must be prepared to show ID to prove that you are an Ilion resident.

Bottled water is available for the housebound and elderly only, and can be picked up at the Ilion Municipal Building.

Obviously if these residents cannot pick the water up themselves they can send someone with ID to pick it up, or call the Municipal Building and it can be delivered.

According to the Times-Telegram, Ilion Village Officials expect the Village's water to be clear by the end of October when cooler temperatures arrive, and the new aerator that has been installed in Reservoir 1 has had time to work.

The Times-Telegram reports that the 4,800 gallons of water Ilion has to distribute came at no cost to the Village or taxpayers.


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