Burger King Selling A “Ghost Whopper” For Halloween
Burger King at a ripe 62 years of age is squeezing new life out of its iconic menu items through themed special editions throughout the year.
The latest release, to go with the season, is a Ghost Whopper, which is a regular burger with a special white cheddar-cheese-flavored (and colored) sesame-seed bun. It's only available for a limited time in select restaurants across the United States for $4.59 beginning October 24.
Burger King hired Riz Mirza, a psychic medium, to produce a "spirit taste test" advertisement. The company (jokingly?) claims that the spirits Mirza attracted offered reviews of the Ghost Whopper.
"'It's beyond belief to experience this taste,' said one of the spirits," Burger King said in a press release. "Another one affirmed, 'It's filth!' Others just didn't know what they were holding in their hands because they've never seen a hamburger in their lifetime."
Halloween has historically been a popular holiday for Burger King. In 2018, it sold a Nightmare King, a spooky spin on a chicken sandwich on a green sesame seed bun. Before that in 2015 it sold a Halloween Whopper with a black bun.
One Whopper that has certainly found permanent success is the Impossible Whopper . the meatless version of the Burger King classic. The company said it's attracting new customers to its restaurants.
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