11 Items to Hide for a Grown Up Easter Egg Hunt
Today I discovered the greatest idea and I have to be the last one to know about it because it is so obviously awesome. I was looking at Facebook and I saw someone had created an Easter egg hunt for adults. The difference was the grown-up weren't hunting for eggs they were hunting for wine.
It got me thinking about how much I enjoyed Easter egg hunts as a kid. I started thinking about why we don't do it after a certain age and that's when I realize it may be due to the fact we don't want candy and eggs. So what if we held a hunt for things we do want.
Of course I thought about how some of my friend would take this in a pretty Un-Easter direction, but then I realize there are actually some grown up items that are rated "PG" that we could hunt for in mixed company. And by mixed company I mean in front of the kids.
So here are a few of the items I came up with that I am hoping are at the next Easter egg hunt I attend, because if they are I am all in.