Slash: The Music My Kids Listen To
When it comes to rockers' kids, a lot of questions come to mind. Do they like the music their parent(s) made? Will they pursue a career in music? What music do they listen to? Do they love rock or do they want to find something all their own? This is what we asked Slash and as it turns out, his sons London (16) and Cash (14), are "completely different."
"London, my oldest one, is totally into rock 'n' roll and metal so we listen to the same stuff," offered Slash. Of course, there's the staples as he goes on to mention Pantera, Foo Fighters and Black Sabbath, but they've got their ears on the new age of rock as well as the guitarist cites Australia's Airbourne as another band they both love.
Not content just listening, London shares the same passion for the stage as his father, playing in the rock outfit Classless Act. "He plays drums. He's really analytical so he really listens to stuff. It's a trip for me," Slash reveals. "All of a sudden he just became this guy and I can relate back to when I was 15 and 16 years old."
Cash, however, operates in a completely different musical realm. "[He's] totally into old school hip-hop and he makes amazing beats and melodies. There's no vocals or anything, just really cool beats and he sells them online," Slash boasted. Check out a sampling of Cash's beats below.
Living the Dream, the new record from Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators, arrives on September 21 and you can grab your copy of the album here.
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