Just How Big Is Halloween for Central New York Businesses?
Halloween has become a monster. And not just in a scary way.
The October holiday means big bucks for businesses all over the U.S. and in Central New York. In the Mohawk Valley alone, annual pumpkin sales are estimated at between $17-$20 million. That's a lot of jack-o-lanterns and pumpkin spice muffins. But that's just the tip of the Halloween iceberg.
Party City, the costume and accessories store based in the Westchester County town of Elmsford, (and featuring over 900 stores nationwide, including the one on Commercial Drive), counts its total sales in the billions.
You really can't turn in any direction this time of the year without bumping into something Halloween-ish. Here's proof my recent trip to a physical therapist:
Even Cary Eisenhut, who's been giving me excellent treatment for my torn hamstring, is getting into the spirit with the therapeutic sports tape he used yesterday on my thigh.
What are the most unusual Halloween-themed items you've either seen or own yourself?
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