Bird watchers and outdoor enthusiasts are excited! You'll love the newest completed portion of the New York State Birding Trail.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is announcing the completion of the Central-Finger Lakes segment of the trail. This now opens a huge portion of the state previously not as easily accessible as before.

The Central-Finger Lakes segment includes 54 locations through 15 different counties. You can now see bald eagles along the lake shorelines and see migratory birds at the Montezuma wetlands. The trail even connects to Derby Hill and the Braddock Bay Bird Observatories.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos says this addition is perfect to open this Spring, the time of year when most birds are migrating back into and through New York State.

The Central-Finger Lakes region brings together many partners to provide a curated birding experience for both expert birders and New Yorkers new to this fund a accessible activity.

According to the DEC, birdwatching is quickly becoming one of New York's fastest growing tourism and recreational activities. The NYS Birding Trail provides better access to the State's birding location, which can be easily reached by car or other public transportation.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

More segments of the trail are set to be announced in the future as well. The easiest way to stay updated on the trail and receive other birding tips is by visiting the Birding Trail's website.

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