You Better Buy Extra Toothpaste Now
Those of you who like to squeeze that last bit of toothpaste from the tube to save money may have had the right idea all along. Many of us will be doing the same soon after the news broke about a price increase that is looming on household items.
At least one major manufacturer has announced an increase in prices for it's products. According to reports, Proctor and Gamble prices will surge at the start of 2022.
"We've announced price increases in the majority, I think nine out of 10 categories. Some of those price increases have not yet come to the shelf. So we're going to work through that before we take the next step," Moeller added.
If it is possible, and you have a larger family, you may want to buy double before any additional increases begin to take place at the stores around Western New York.
Here in New York, we are getting ready to file taxes. As a matter of fact, the start date is just about here. As of January 24th, tax season will officially begin and if you are planning for a refund, you better file early. There are multiple reports that delays will happen for most refunds in 2022.
If you have not received it already, keep an eye out for your W-2 and other paperwork from your employer and consider scheduling a meeting with a tax professional sooner this year. With the delays looming, it is important to file as quickly as you can in order to get the ball rolling. Once you have filed, there is a great way to keep and eye on your return and it's status with the New York State Tax Website.
The best way to communicate with the Tax Department about your return is to create an Online Services account and request electronic communications for both Bills and Related Notices and Other Notifications.
In New York, you have an opportunity to get a head start on filing for a tax refund. It won't be officially submitted until the start of the season on January 24th. But you may have a chance to move up in line when the refunds are distributed by getting ready now.