Angry Parent Pulls Knife on Volleyball Coach During CNY GameAngry Parent Pulls Knife on Volleyball Coach During CNY GameA Central New York man claims he was only joking when he pointed a knife at the volleyball coach who benched his daughter for misbehavior.MeganMegan
CNY Animal Hospital Takes in Rescued Cat with Tail Cut OffCNY Animal Hospital Takes in Rescued Cat with Tail Cut OffA Central New York Animal Hospital has taken in a new patient after an onlooker discovered the cat roaming around with it's tail cut off.Andrew DerminioAndrew Derminio
Central New York Man Drowns Swimming in Salmon River ReservoirCentral New York Man Drowns Swimming in Salmon River ReservoirA Central New York man drowned while swimming in the Salmon River Reservoir. Tad PoleTad Pole
Explore the Creepy Abandoned Lighthouse of Oneida LakeExplore the Creepy Abandoned Lighthouse of Oneida LakeThis quirky Central New York lighthouse is just 54 miles from Utica, as the crow flies, and it has an interesting past.Dave CoombsDave Coombs