New York Is Home to 4 of the Most Sinful Cities in America
A new study is trying to put the fear of God in New York.
The Empire State is known to be many things. When people ask to describe the state in one word, phrases like "expensive" and "restless" tend to be tossed around due to the state's busybody and tax-loving nature.
But who would have thought "sinful" would ever be used to describe the state?
According to our friends at WalletHub, they are out with a strange new, lighthearted report that claims New York's soul is a little stained.
Of their most recent study of the 182 morally bankrupt cities in America, several of them are from the Empire State.
"Sinfulness" was determined based on how cozy a city was with the seven deadly sins of lust, gluttony, pride, wrath, envy, greed, and sloth.
Indicators included violent crime for wrath, excessive drinking to gluttony, and number of adult entertainment establishments to lust.
New York's Biggest "Sin" Is Vanity
While not surprising, scoring high in that category did cause the state's virtue to take a nosedive.
New York isn't shy about its love of tanning salons, which was a deciding factor when scoring vanity points.
Google searches for plastic surgery also weighed heavy on the rankins, of which New York did pretty poorly.
The first city in New York to appear on the list was Yonkers, in 170th place. While the city ranked highly in terms of vanity, it actually found to be even more lazy.
Laziness was determined by a share of adults not exercising, average weekly hours worked, average time spent watching television, school dropout rates, and apathetic youth.
Yonkers had the 49th highest score in laziness out of all cities, while it ranked 64th in terms of vanity.
Next up on the list was Rochester, which finished in101st place on the list. The city's biggest sin was gluttony, ranking 37th highest out of all 182 cities.
WalletHub based "gluttony" scores on share of obese adults, fast food establishments per capita, excessive drinking, overspending, and drug abuse.
Vanity was Rochester's 2nd highest category, which placed 40th overall.
Buffalo bowed in 85th place and secured the title of the state's second-most sinful city. It's best category was laziness, ranking 22nd overall, while gluttony shined the second brightest with a score of 44 out of 182.
Buffalo also achieved high marks in terms of wrath, which includes violent crime, with a score of 53.
Coming in as not only the most sinful city in New York, but also made the top 15 in all of America, was New York City.
Read More: 2 Cities in New York State Named Rudest in the Nation
The Big Apple was ranked the third most vain city in America and the 7th most lustful. The city came in 29th in terms of laziness and 33rd in terms of wrath.
Interestingly, all four cities scored low when it came to envy and greed. Aside from New York City, the state also scored poorly in terms of promiscuity.
As for the cities that are the most morally bankrupt in America? Here are the top 5:
- Las Vegas
- Houston
- Los Angeles
- Atlanta
- Philadelphia
While some may feel outraged over this latest study, chances are the majority are sharing a chuckle over the report and taking it with a grain of salt.
It's well known that our state has plenty of virtues, especially when it comes to being charitable and helping those in need.
Local organizations also go above and beyond when it comes to connecting with their community, such as Herkimer's fire and police departments coming together for a multitude of holiday events.
Read More: Herkimer Police and Fire Hosting Family Friendly Christmas Events
So, while this report could make you grumble, don't let it make you lose sight of all the good things about our state.

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