Food Truck Owner Says Health Department Official Threatened Him
Pete Mondi of Mondi's Barbecue wants his customers to know he's out of business because of revenge tactics taken by the Oneida County Health Department. Mondi closed his popular barbecue business in Marcy because he claims the Oneida County Health Department levied over $40,000 in fines against him because in his words, he "went over the director's head."
In an interview with WIBX's Keeler Show on Friday, Mondi said there was a dispute over how many times his food truck needed to exit the business property and when a friend volunteered to talk to someone at the County that 'he knew' - the director became furious and told him, "This is what happens when you go over my head." WIBX has reached out to Oneida County for comment and is awaiting a response.
Mondi claims he was charged with unfounded violations and was fined thousands of dollars. He said he refused to sign paperwork admitting to the violations and chose to shut down his business, rather than pay the fines. He also said he had no intention of offending the director. "It was a friend of mine who said he knew someone," Mondi said. He said the friend was simply trying to help him.
Listen to the complete interview below.
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