Holiday ‘Drive Sober’ Campaign Coming: Consequences of a DWI You Didn’t Know
The New York State Governor's Office is warning everyone that law enforcement agencies statewide are cracking down on impaired driving during the holiday season: this Friday through January 1, 2022.
The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign which is part of a national initiative sponsored by Stop DWI with funding from the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), is designed to reduce alcohol and other drug-related traffic crashes. During the 2020 enforcement campaign, 2,067 DWI arrests were made across the state and more than 7000 tickets for vehicle and traffic law violations were handed out.
Most people are aware of the obvious safety risks of driving while impaired but not be aware of the far-reaching effects on a person's life. Stanley Law attorney Joe Stanley warns that drinking and driving not only is a huge risk to you, those in the vehicle with you, and other drivers on the road but also has significant consequences if you're caught doing it. Stanley says anyone charged with a DWI may end up in jail and even if they don't, the fines, lawyer fees, and increase in auto insurance coverage could add up to between $10,000 and $15,000. Having a DWI on your record can also impact your credit rating, employment, and more. His advice is simple: don't drink and drive.

Make Plans For A Ride
If you know you're going to be enjoying some liquid "holiday cheer" then make sure you plan ahead and arrange to have someone sober to give you a ride after you've been drinking. Another option is the Stop DWI New York app called “Have A Plan” which can be used to find a ride share service or report a suspected impaired driver. Learn more and download it here.
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